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Apr 2, 2023, 13.42 PM
Title : COLD & FLU
Css class : cold
Button CSS : blue
Instagram Link :
Key Value 1 : Pelega Tenggorokan
Key Value 2 : Teruji klinis
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Display order : 2

Bantu Atasi Gejala Awal Sakit Tenggorokan dan Hidung Tersumbat

Jangan Biarkan Sakit Tenggorokan, Pilek, dan Flu menghalangi kamu
Langkah Awal Atasi Gejala Sakit Tenggorokan, Pilek, dan Flu
: BETADINE® Mouthwash & Gargle
: Product Category


Apr 2, 2023, 13.42 PM
Title : COLD & FLU
Css class : cold
Button CSS : blue
Instagram Link :
Key Value 1 : Pelega Tenggorokan
Key Value 2 : Teruji klinis
Key Value 3 :
Facebook Link :
YouTube Link :
Product Selector Label :
Display order : 2

Bantu Atasi Gejala Awal Sakit Tenggorokan dan Hidung Tersumbat

Jangan Biarkan Sakit Tenggorokan, Pilek, dan Flu menghalangi kamu
Langkah Awal Atasi Gejala Sakit Tenggorokan, Pilek, dan Flu
: BETADINE® Mouthwash & Gargle
: Product Category

Used by Healthcare professionals

The BETADINE® brand has been aiding health professionals all over the world for more than 60 years.

Covers All Your Bases

Whether it’s for wounds, your intimate area and upper respiratory system, BETADINE® has got you covered.

Clinically Tested

You can trust that our products are well tolerated to use and proven to be effective by experts.7,108-110


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